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Jetpack's Markdown

I use the jetpack-markdown WordPress plugin to write my weblog posts in Markdown. Although jetpack-markdown is no longer maintained, it was still available to download using wp-cli. Whilst doing some maintenance on, I discovered this is no longer the case1:

wp plugin install jetpack-markdown --activate
Warning: jetpack-markdown: Plugin not found.
Error: No plugins installed.

With little inclination to research a replacement, I went looking for the source code and was thankful that it’s still online. In addition, the latest version still seems to be available to download2:

wp plugin install
Downloading installation package from                                                   
Unpacking the package...
Installing the plugin...
Plugin installed successfully.
Activating 'jetpack-markdown'...
Plugin 'jetpack-markdown' activated.
  1. From the plugin description: This plugin was closed on April 28, 2019 and is no longer available for download. 

  2. Though who knows how long for? I downloaded the zip and added it to my build process for future use.