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Tandoori masala lamb chops

These tandoori masala lamb chops are particularly good when grilled over an open fire.


  • Barnsley lamb chops, 2, ~400g
  • Tandoori masala1, ~2 tbsp
  • Natural yoghurt, ~350g
  • Harissa, 1 tsp
  • Lemon, ½, juiced
  • Extra virgin olive oil, 1 tsp
  • Black pepper


  1. Take a bowl and add the yoghurt, harissa, lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil and black pepper and stir well.
  2. Add a little of the tandoori masala, stir well then taste and repeat. I find it’s about right when the marinade starts to taste a little too salty, but be careful not to go overboard.
  3. Pop in the fridge to marinate (ideally the night before, or the morning of the day you want to cook).
  4. Cook on a hot grill, a couple of minutes either side!