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Braised lamb shanks

Braised lamb shanks

A key part of this recipe is to ensure the casserole pan is sufficiently full so that the lamb shanks don’t dry out. I use a casserole pan that is a couple of inches wider than the length of the lamb shank, and the contents usually fill the pan to a couple of inches from the top, with the liquid just about covering the lamb shanks.


  • Lamb shank, 2
  • Chicken stock, 500ml
  • Red wine, 500ml
  • Carrots, 2 medium, scrubbed and cut into into ½ inch cubes
  • Celery, 3 ribs, diced
  • Onion, 1, diced
  • Garlic, 2 cloves, minced
  • Tomato purée, 1 tbsp
  • Fresh thyme, handful, tied up
  • Bay leaf, 1
  • Worcester sauce, 1 tbsp
  • Baking paper
  • Salt + pepper


  1. Put a heavy-lidded casserole pan on a medium-high heat, add a touch of oil and brown the lamb shanks. Remove from the pan and set aside.
  2. Add the garlic, onion, carrots and celery and cook on a medium-high heat until the onion goes translucent.
  3. Add the tomato purée and cook for a further few minutes.
  4. Add the stock, red wine, Worcester sauce, thyme and bay leaves and stir well, then bring the pan to a slow simmer.
  5. Add the lamb shanks and season well with salt and pepper.
  6. Place a piece of baking paper on top of the pan, then place the lid on top of the baking paper to seal.
  7. Cook in the oven at 170℃ for 2 hours or until the lamb is almost fall-apart tender.
  8. Gently remove the lamb shanks from the pan, wrap in foil to keep warm and set aside.
  9. Take a fresh pan and pass the sauce through a sieve, using a large spoon to press all the sauce out. Discard the sieve contents.
  10. Using a fresh pan and sieve, strain the contents of the casserole pan. Use a large spoon to press all the sauce out. Discard the contents of the sieve.
  11. If you like, you can reduce the sauce to preference.